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All Categories
- Bed and Breakfast - 149
- Hotels / Motels - 85
- Hotels / Motels - Portland - 100
- Resorts - 7
- Banners / Displays - 1
- General - 9
Art and Artists
- Artists - 10
- Framing - 1
- Galleries - 8
- Graphic Design - 5
- Performing Arts - 5
- Supplies - 2
- Talent and Performers - 11
Associations and Organizations
- Business - 8
- Community Service - 17
- Cultural - 39
- Education - 2
- Fraternities / Sororities - 5
- General - 1
- Historical - 1
- Hospice - 1
- Labor Related - 6
- Legal - 3
- Minority - 3
- Non-Profit - 2
- Religious - 14
- Scouting - 2
- Social - 3
- Rental - 3
- Repair - 12
- Sales - 5
- Wash / Detail - 2
Building / Construction
- Contractors - 10
- Decorating Contractors - 3
- General - 11
- Home Improvement - 2
- Masonry - 1
- Painting - 1
Business Services
- Cards - 1
- General - 1
- Janitorial Services - 8
- Locksmithing - 1
- Mailing and Marketing - 6
- Music Studio - 1
- Office Equipment / Supplies - 3
- Printing - 4
- Publishing - 1
- Rentals - 1
- Security - 1
- Telecommunications - 5
Computer Services
- Graphics / Publishing - 1
- Internet - 3
- Programming - 7
- Sales / Service - 2
- Web Design - 2
Financial Services
- Banks / Credit Unions - 6
- Investments - 4
- Lenders - 6
Food and Catering
- Catering / Bartending - 6
- Desserts - 2
- Liquor - 1
- Specialties - 5
- Wholesale - 2
Gift and Specialty
- African American - 2
- Books and Literature - 4
- Ethnic Dolls - 1
- General - 11
- Import / Export - 10
- City - 5
- Federal - 2
- Regional - 3
- State - 6
Hair and Beauty
- Barber - 4
- Cosmetics - 3
- Face / Nails - 3
- Hair Salons - 29
- Supplies - 2
- Adoptions - 1
- Beauty / Fitness - 3
- Chiropractors - 1
- Community Service - 4
- Emotional - 1
- Massage - 2
- Medical and Hospital - 4
- Sales - 1
Home and Environmental Services
- Carpet Cleaning - 1
- Fuel - 3
- Landscaping - 1
- Plumbing - 1
- Public Utilities - 2
- Sanitary - 2
- Newspapers / Magazines - 18
- Radio / TV - 5
Professional Services
- Accounting / Bookkeeping - 9
- Architect - 2
- Attorneys - 31
- Audio / Video - 2
- Child Care - 7
- Consulting - 37
- Employment - 6
- Funerals - 1
- General - 5
- Insurance Agencies - 14
- Investigations - 2
- Legal Services - 1
- Photography - 5
- Public Relations/Fundraising - 1
- Secretarial - 2
- Speakers - 1
- Translation - 8
- Wedding Planning - 1
Real Estate
- Appraisers - 1
- Sales - 18
- Bowling - 21
- Casinos / Gaming - 3
- Golf Courses - 46
- Movies / Theater - 6
- Skating - 4
- Skiing - 4
- Tennnis Courts - 6
Restaurants / Lounges
- African American - 10
- American - 3
- Bar-B-Que - 9
- Cajun / Creole - 2
- Chinese - 13
- Ethiopian / Moroccan - 5
- Fast Food - 2
- Hispanic - 9
- Indonesian - 2
- Jamaican - 1
- Japanese - 12
- Korean - 1
- Malaysian - 1
- Mexican - 21
- Oriental - 84
- Seafood - 2
- Spanish - 1
- Tex-Mex - 1
- Alterations and Design - 2
- Books, Tapes and Records - 3
- Clothing - 7
- Dry Clean and Wash - 1
- Ethnic - 8
- Florists - 5
- Grocery and Foods - 29
- Jewelry - 2
Schools and Education
- Alternative - 2
- Colleges and Universities - 2
- Cultural - 3
- Elementary - 2
- General - 4
- High Risk Families - 1
- High School - 1
Tourism and Conventions
- Attractions - 10
- Convention Centers - 8
- Facilities and Banquets - 3
- Travel Agencies - 12
- Visitor Information Bureaus - 4
- Airlines - 4
- Airports - 4
- Bus / Train - 3
- Freight / Delivery - 7
- Limo / Taxi / Towncar - 12
- Parking - 1
Wholesale and Distributors
- General - 2